HENSOLDT achieves strong growth in the 2023 financial year

Company publishes 2023 annual report

Taufkirchen/Germany, 26 March 2024 – The HENSOLDT Group continued its profitable growth trajectory in the 2023 financial year and met its most recent, more precise forecast. Investments in defence and security as a result of the ongoing geopolitical tensions worldwide were reflected in increased demand at HENSOLDT, particularly for reconnaissance, surveillance and self-protection systems. The company is thus consolidating its position as one of the leading companies in the European defence electronics market (see balance sheet press release dated 22 February 2024). The 2023 Annual Report, which is now available, provides an overview of the main pillars on which this success is based.

In its annual report, HENSOLDT looks ahead and beyond its own company: The report documents the role HENSOLDT technology plays in the air defence of cities such as Kyiv and Odessa. It shows how HENSOLDT is already developing the products of tomorrow and what role artificial intelligence will play in this. The company also gives start-ups the opportunity to increase the dynamics in the defence industry - the FCAS Accelerator is a first example of this. In addition, HENSOLDT's journey from a manufacturing company to a series manufacturer will be outlined. To counter the shortage of skilled labour, HENSOLDT is also breaking new ground in recruiting.

The designated CEO Oliver Dörre has been gaining an overview of the company and its various locations since the beginning of 2024. He summarises his impressions of the first few months in the annual report. He will take over as CEO when Thomas Müller leaves the company on 1 April 2024.

The sustainability report also provides insights into the HENSOLDT ESG Strategy 2026, as the company prepares for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2035. In line with the sustainability goals, the 2023 Annual Report is only available online for the first time at https://annualreport.hensoldt.net/en/.


Press contact

Nico Fritz                                                                   
Tel.: +49 (0) 731 392-6203
Mail: nico.fritz@hensoldt.net

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